
Our team of professionals will design a fully operational and visually pleasing product using state-of-the-art technology and methods. Avail Creative’s collaborative process allows clients to remain fully involved in all key decision-making.

  • Our team will collaborate on initial ideation and inspiration. We provide a high volume of possible solutions to the core problem for client consideration.

  • Our staff will solve all functional design needs of the product including features and mechanisms while optimizing performance.

  • We will act as project managers with our industry partners and subject matter experts to accomplish all PCB, electrical engineering, and electronic component selection needs.

  • Our team will act as project managers with our industry partners and subject matter experts to accomplish app development, software, embedded firmware, cloud-based communication, data storage, and other custom coding related needs.

  • Our team will provide textile/fabric design and related material selection. We will act as project managers with subject matter experts for any non-standard, project-specific needs.

  • Upon evaluation of size constraints, our experts will optimize individual features and overall unit size to maximize the product’s user experience and gather material-use cost savings.

  • We use internal testing, external surveys, and iteration reviews to ensure exceptional user experience within the target market.

  • Working alongside clients, our designers use market research and artistic experience to generate a wide array of visual concepts. We verify the aesthetic components are feasible to MFG before selecting a final appearance.

  • Our in-house marketing experts can develop and incorporate premium brand strategies to match your company’s vision with your customers’ values. Our brand guidelines include trade-name development, logo creation, color palette selection, product form factor considerations, and other crucial elements.

  • Our staff will provide graphic design, enhanced sketches, and other marketing visuals as needed.

  • Our designers use SolidWorks CAD software to convert the most feasible concept solutions into 3D modeled parts. We verify fit and functionality within CAD assemblies for each product version. These models serve as source material for CAD drawings and product renderings.

  • We offer direct-application label and overlay designs for optimal customer experience, surface branding, and to satisfy regulatory requirements.

  • Our team of experts will cross-compare the top feasible solutions and recommend the most viable option for the brand’s initial product launch.

  • Our team will manage any necessary development related outsourcing needs on a project-by-project basis.